AppreciationHome button

I would like to extend a heartfelt appreciation to the many people who have continued to help me through my personal photographic journey. A special thanks is given to the following:

To Jacie Wang for allowing me the opportunity to photograph and document her work as a performer and artist. She has been an inspiration and teacher in helping me understand and appreciate this art form.

To all the other wonderful artists I have come to meet and photograph,

Diana Ming-Chan for her support and information in regards to the numerous aspects of Chinese Beijing Opera

To my friends at the Photography Center and the First Tuesday Photography Group for the continued years of invaluable advice, critiques and encouragement.

To Frank Espada, whose presence and spirit is always here.

To my husband, Dave who continues to believe.

And to God for the Gift.

Technical Information

All the photographs were taken with available light using a Nikon FM2.
Film used was Tri-X 400 developed in D-76 1:1.

Prints were done on Oriental Seagull graded paper and developed in Dektol 2:1.

For more information about these and other photographs, please contact Nancy Chee at

If you're interested in learning more about Chinese Beijing Opera and future performance in the San Francisco/Bay Area, contact Jacie Wang by FAX# (510) 525-7380.